REDD+ Metaven Forest Preservation

Description: REDD+ Mataven Forest Unified Indigenous Reserve Project (REDD+ RIU-SM) represents the fourth largest indigenous reservation in Colombia and protects 1.15M hectares of natural forests from deforestation. This project safeguards biodiversity and provides education, healthcare, sanitation, food security, and other co-benefits for 15K indigenous people. The protection of this area also serves as a gatekeeper for deforestation threats moving from the Orinoco Savannahs to the Amazon.

Status: Active

ID: clikwc8ns0001jw0f4g0clvqm

Location: Vichada, Colombia

Class: TCO2

Type: Carbon

Registry: Regen Ledger

Method: Carbon Avoidance

Methodology: Tree Preservation: Avoided emission or avoided conversion protocol which allows users to receive ex-post credits for projects which have preserved urban forests. Tree Planting: Afforestation/reforestation protocol quantified based on forecasted CO2 storage over the course of 26 years.

Protocol: Preservation Protocol – 40 years

Verifier: Verra

Certifications: ICORA Approved

Ratings: BeZero Carbon

Price: 3.95

Batch: C03-002-20190101-20191231-001

Priority: 1

Escrow: regen1xfw890d6chkud69c9h3rrhcgjg4zaqaqf0543r